Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm Sorry

Ok - Recently I've been called out as a racist. So I've been told to apologize.

Although I'm pretty sure that the 4 people that have seen this blog don't think I'm a racist or they would have said something to me directly.

Here's the deal - I was just playing around one day, surfing the web for funny videos and decided that most of the funny stuff goes unnoticed. SSSSOOO - hey why not pull it all together so others don't have to spend their own time finding it! RIGHT?!?! That is what I wanted to do...

Well - come to find out, the people of color make me laugh more than white people. Why is that so wrong. I'm not saying I want to drag them behind a truck or hang them in my back yard - they just do crazy shit that I wouldn't do.

So, with that being said - I'M NOT A RACIST. I PROMISE. ARE WE COOL?!? PLEASE?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart. If it's any condolence I don't think you discriminate. I think you hate everyone equally. :) J/K

I think your posts are great and I'm a gay black Jew.

Did you ever get my comment on the Work out girl post of yours? I also tried emailing you.